EOTech EFLX Mini Reflex Sight 6 MOA TAN

EOTech EFLX Mini Reflex Sight 6 MOA TAN

The new EFLX™ Mini Reflex Sight is EOTECH’s first venture into reflex technology optics. Ideal for professional use, hunting, home defense, and…

EOTech EFLX Mini Reflex Sight 3 MOA TAN

EOTech EFLX Mini Reflex Sight 3 MOA TAN

The new EFLX™ Mini Reflex Sight is EOTECH’s first venture into reflex technology optics. Ideal for professional use, hunting, home defense, and…

EOTech EFLX Mini Reflex Sight 6 MOA

EOTech EFLX Mini Reflex Sight 6 MOA

The new EFLX™ Mini Reflex Sight is EOTECH’s first venture into reflex technology optics. Ideal for professional use, hunting, home defense, and…

EOTech EFLX Mini Reflex Sight 3 MOA

EOTech EFLX Mini Reflex Sight 3 MOA

The new EFLX™ Mini Reflex Sight is EOTECH’s first venture into reflex technology optics. Ideal for professional use, hunting, home defense, and…

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