GSCI TI-GEAR-S675 640x480 FPA 17 μ m 50Hz Long-Range

GSCI TI-GEAR-S675 640x480 FPA 17 μ m 50Hz Long-Range

The TI-GEAR-S675 is the professional-grade thermal weapon sight for aiming andengagement on a wide variety of firearms at medium-range distances.…

€ 8.299,00
GSCI TI-GEAR-S650F 640x480 FPA 17 μ m 50Hz

GSCI TI-GEAR-S650F 640x480 FPA 17 μ m 50Hz

The TI-GEAR-S650F is the professional-grade thermal weapon sight for aiming andengagement on a wide variety of firearms at medium-range distances.…

€ 7.999,00
GSCI TI-GEAR-LR6S 640x512 FPA 12 μ m 50Hz Long-Range

GSCI TI-GEAR-LR6S 640x512 FPA 12 μ m 50Hz Long-Range

GSCI Advanced Photonics long-range thermal sights TI-GEAR-LR6S are designed for a wide range of applications for professional users,…

€ 7.299,00
GSCI TI-GEAR-MR6S 640x512 FPA 12 μ m 50Hz

GSCI TI-GEAR-MR6S 640x512 FPA 12 μ m 50Hz

GSCI Advanced Photonics medium-range thermal sights TI-GEAR-MR6S are designed for a wide range of applications for professional users,…

€ 7.199,00
GSCI TI-GEAR-M650F Monocular

GSCI TI-GEAR-M650F Monocular

The TI-GEAR-M is the professional-grade thermal monocular designed for multiple applications that…

€ 7.949,00
GSCI Lightweight Thermal Goggles UNITEC-SA6G

GSCI Lightweight Thermal Goggles UNITEC-SA6G

Presenting the UNITEC-G, the epitome of thermal imaging goggle systems catering to a wide spectrum of customers. Equipped with a…

€ 10.999,00
GSCI Lightweight Thermal Goggles UNITEC-SA3G

GSCI Lightweight Thermal Goggles UNITEC-SA3G

Presenting the UNITEC-G, the epitome of thermal imaging goggle systems catering to a wide spectrum of customers. Equipped with a…

€ 7.999,00
GSCI TICON Thermal Imaging Clip-On for Night Vision

GSCI TICON Thermal Imaging Clip-On for Night Vision

The TICON is a Thermal Imaging Clip-On for Night Vision. …

€ 4.899,00
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