Wilcox G70 Mount TAN Combo Shroud with Lanyard

The Wilcox L4 G70 Combo in TAN with lanyard


Wilcox G24 Mount w/ Low Profile Breakaway Base
Wilcox Three Hole Shroud w/ Lanyard
Mounting Hardware for Ballistic and Non-Ballistic Helmets




*PAY ATTENTION! This product requires an export license outside the Benelux. We take care of this with the Customs in the Netherlands. The customer only needs to sign an End-Use Statement for the application.*

Product informatie:

Verantwoordelijk marktdeelnemer in de EU:

De verantwoordelijk marktdeelnemer in de EU zorgt voor het nakomen van verplichtingen op het gebied van productveiligheid. 




Wilcox Industries Corp.


One Wilcox Way Newington, NH 03801 USA

Phone number: 

+1 603-431-1331

Email address:




Optics-World B.V.


Weverstraat 8-X, 5405 BN Uden, The Netherlands

Phone number: 

+31 (0)413 303 779

Email address:  


Responsible Market Operator in the EU:  IEA MIL-OPTICS GmbH
Address:  Gutenbergstr. 1-3, 72202 Nagold, Germany
Phone number:  +49 (0) 7452 60 591 50
Email address:   info@i-e-a.de
